Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When someone have a simple hardware problem, Do you mull over any?

guidance saying 'take it to a repair shop' is a obedient idea? Or is it greatly cheaper to grab your neighborhood geek and own him do it a lot cheaper?

When someone have a simple hardware problem, Do you mull over any?

I fix myself.

Why pay packet

$100 home visit

$70 diagnose + hardware (or parts)
It would thing if the neighborhood geek is really any good or not. I've see my share of "wanna bes" in computers. The local computer store usually have good techs, but at hand can always be a few "wanna bes" working here as well. Last is it's according to the problem. A computer store can switch parts to check, a neighberhood geek may not know how to. And the computer store usually has diag machines and/or diag software, the geek may not own that.
If your computer is not working properly while you are working on it, it could be a problem next to device drivers, hardware or software.

Detailed instructions at http://tinyurl.com/yk5zpr

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